ways to give

Being generous is one of our core values at Crossroads, this includes how we view our finances. We believe that all we have is God's, and that He calls us to steward His resources wisely. 

To give online please click on the button below. First time users will need to set up a profile, regular givers can login to give or make changes to their profile. You have the opportunity to give a one-time gift, set up recurring transactions, and choose the fund or funds to which your gift should apply.

You are also welcome to give during our Sunday morning service. An offering box is placed near the back entrance of the Worship Center to place your gift on Sunday mornings. Gifts can also be dropped by the church office or sent by mail. 

Crossroads Community Church

13240 NW 102nd Street

Granger, IA 50109

If you have any questions regarding finance at Crossroads, please reach out to

Roger Fry, 515-201-0014 or